Store Staff Permissions

Staff Dashboard: Menu & Feature Options

When you hover on a staff’s name you will find the option Manage Permissions which takes you to a new page from where you can manage individual staff privacy.

Some options will be enabled by default. Others will be unchecked. Vendor has full control over what menu and features they want to show to each staff.

If vendor does not enable a menu from Manage Permissions, staff won’t be able to view the options for that menu in staff dashboard.

Amerili : Made in the USA : vendor staff manager manage permissions 1

This article goes through the Vendor Dashboard configurations and Staff Dashboard display for the following Menu & Feature Options:

  1. Overview
  2. Report
  3. Orders
  4. Coupons
  5. Review & Withdraw
  6. Products
  7. Other – Store Settings & Tools

1. Overview

Vendor Dashboard

The Vendor first has to enable Dokan view overview menu under the Menu tab.

Amerili : Made in the USA : vendor staff manager overview menu

After this, the vendor can check/uncheck the options he wants to show to the staff as he wishes.

In this scenario, the vendor has checked all the 6 features under the Overview section. Therefore, the staff will be able to see all functions.

Amerili : Made in the USA : vendor staff manager overview options 1

Staff Dashboard

Since the vendor has enabled all 6 options, the staff can access them from his dashboard, as shown with numbers in the image below:

  1. sales overview
  2. sales report chart
  3. announcement
  4. orders
  5. reviews
  6. products
Amerili : Made in the USA : vendor staff manager overview

Similarly other features can be enabled/disabled from vendor’s dashboard for each staff. And the changes will take place immediately.

2. Report

Vendor Dashboard:

The vendor can enable the Report features he wants the staff to see/perform by clicking on the checkboxes beside each feature.

Amerili : Made in the USA : vendor staff manager report options

Vendor also has to enable the Dokan View Report Menu option under Menu. Without enabling the menu, the feature options will not display.

Amerili : Made in the USA : vendor staff manager report menu

Staff Dashboard:

Amerili : Made in the USA : vendor staff manager reports staff dashboard

3. Order

Vendor Dashboard:

The vendor can enable the Order features he wants the staff to see/perform by clicking on the checkboxes beside each feature.

Amerili : Made in the USA : vendor staff manager order options

Vendor also has to enable the Dokan View Order Menu option under Menu. Without enabling the menu, the feature options will not display.

Amerili : Made in the USA : vendor staff manager order menu

Staff Dashboard:

Amerili : Made in the USA : vendor staff manager orders staff dashboard

4. Coupon

Vendor Dashboard:

The vendor can enable the Coupon features he wants the staff to see/perform by clicking on the checkboxes beside each feature.

Amerili : Made in the USA : vendor staff manager coupon options

Vendor also has to enable the Dokan View Coupon Menu option under Menu. Without enabling the menu, the feature options will not display.

Amerili : Made in the USA : vendor staff manager coupon menu

Staff Dashboard:

Amerili : Made in the USA : vendor staff manager coupons staff dashboard

5. Review & Withdraw

Vendor Dashboard:

The vendor can enable the Review & Withdraw features he wants the staff to see/perform by clicking on the checkboxes beside each feature.

Amerili : Made in the USA : vendor staff manager review withdraw options

Vendor also has to enable the Dokan View Review Menu and Dokan View Withdraw Menu options under Menu. Without enabling the menu, the feature options will not display.

Amerili : Made in the USA : vendor staff manager review withdraw

Staff Dashboard:


Amerili : Made in the USA : vendor staff manager reviews staff dashboard

Withdraw Amerili : Made in the USA : vendor staff manager withdraw staff dashboard

6. Product

Vendor Dashboard:

The vendor can enable the Product features he wants the staff to see/perform by clicking on the checkboxes beside each feature.

Amerili : Made in the USA : vendor staff dashboard product options

Vendor also has to enable the Dokan View Product Menu option under Menu. Without enabling the menu, the feature options will not display.

Amerili : Made in the USA : vendor staff manager product menu

Staff Dashboard:

Amerili : Made in the USA : vendor staff manager products staff dashboard

7. Other Menu Options

The remaining menu options relate to Tools and Store Settings, Payment, Shipping, Social, SEO and Verification, as highlighted in the image below.

Vendor Dashboard:

Amerili : Made in the USA : vendor staff manager other menu features

Staff Dashboard:

If the vendor enables all menu relating to Store Settings, the staff will be able to view all the Store feature options from his dashboard.

Amerili : Made in the USA : vendor staff manager store settings staff dashboard
Amerili : Made in the USA : vendor staff manager tools staff dashboard

Similarly, if the vendor enables Tools menu for the staff, he will be able to import and export data in XML form from his dashboard.

Staff Store Support

Vendor Dashboard

When vendor enables this module under Manage Permissions, the staff will be able to see this menu in his dashboard.

Amerili : Made in the USA : vendor staff manager store support menu

Staff Dashboard

Amerili : Made in the USA : vendor staff manager support

Since the vendor has enabled the Store Support module, the staff will be able to view and manage tickets from his dashboard.

Staff can reply and change the status of support tickets by clicking on a ticket, as shown below.

Amerili : Made in the USA : vendor staff manager manage tickets