Customer Support

Instruction For Vendors

To allow a customers to send product-related queries and issues, the vendor needs to enable the support button display on his store page.

  1. To do this, navigate to Vendor Dashboard → Settings → Store.

At the very bottom of the page, you will get two new fields:

  • Enable Support: You need to check the box for using store support feature.
  • Support Button Text: You can modify the store support button text from here.

After configuring, click on the Update Settings button.

Amerili : Made in the USA : dokan store support settings 1

2. A Support menu will also appear in the vendor’s dashboard.

To view this, go to Vendor Dashboard→Support.

Amerili : Made in the USA : dokan store support vendor dashboard

3. After clicking on the Support menu, vendors will get to:

  • View all their tickets under All Tickets.
  • Filter them by Open Tickets and Closed Tickets.
  • View Status and Title of each ticket, Customer’s name, Date when the ticket was created and also the Topic/order number.
  • Close or Re-open a ticket directly from the Actions column with or without responding to the ticket. This action can be done from all 3 tabs – All Tickets, Open Tickets, and Close Tickets.
Amerili : Made in the USA : dokan support tickets dashboard

4. To respond to a customer’s ticket, just click on  the Topic or Title. This will open up a new page.

From here you [the vendor] can write your reply to your client in the given box.

You can also change the status of the ticket using the drop-down.

Amerili : Made in the USA : dokan respond to store support ticket

5. Vendors can add as many replies as they want. And customers can also reply to vendor’s responses.

After adding a reply, vendors can view the entire conversation, add more replies, or choose to close the ticket if they want.

Amerili : Made in the USA : dokan store support conversations