Made in the USA Standard
All products sold on are confirmed through our vendors to follow our Made in the USA standard. Each product must contain more than the minimum percentage of material sourced from the United States as described in the chart below. Each product must also be manufactured in the United States, and follow the guidelines described by the Federal Trade Commission’s “Made in the USA” standard. Percentage of material sourced from the United States is calculated by cost of any foreign materials relative the the final production cost of the product.
If a product is found to be in violation of these standards, actions will be taken to remove the violating product and reprimand the seller in violation. If a seller is found to repeatedly be in violation of these standards, actions will taken to suspend or remove the company in violation. Violations to the FTC Made in the USA standard may also be reported to the Federal Trade Commission, law enforcement, and other appropriate authorities.
Even though Amerili vets it’s vendors and their products are believed to follow our Made in the USA standard, we recommend that customers verify that the product is indeed, Made in the USA, before purchasing. If customers discover any violations to these standards, we encourage them to report the violation to Amerili or the Federal Trade Commission.
Minimum Percentage of Material Sourced from the United States per Product by Category
Electronics - 60% of materials sourced from the United States
Everything Else - 80% of materials sourced from the United States