Product Advertising

Go to the Vendor Dashboard–> Products, you will see the advertising section like the image below,

advertising section

Vendors need to click on the advertising logo of the selected product. They will get a pop-up where they will see the details like purchase fee, number of slots available and the expiry date. They need to click on the OK button to finish purchasing.

pop up for vendor

After they click on the OK button the advertisement will be added to their cart. They will be redirected to the checkout page.

product added to cart

Note: Vendors can pay through any of the selected payment gateways.

The advertisement will be added to the vendors selected product,

advertisement added to vendors product

If the vendors want, they can purchase advertisment from the “Edit Product” page. Scroll down and there they will find the option to purchase advertisment with all the details.

product advertisment from edit product section

If the vendors check the option, it will show a pop-up to buy the advertisment,

buy the advertisment

Rest of the process is the same.

How the Advertisement Products Will Be Displayed?

Advertised products will be displayed on top of the catalog listing eg: Shop page, Single Store Page.

The advertised products will be shown on top of every page they are in. Like in the below image, Polo, Long Sleeve Tee are in the 2nd page of the shop . So, they are in the top of that page.

shop page

And in the single store page,

single store page