Table Rates

Shipping Class
Your store is REQUIRED to offer free shipping to it’s customers! Please adjust your product prices accordingly.
Special exceptions may be accepted. If you would like to charge for shipping past a certain point, for example anything over 50lbs or large furniture, you may do that as well.

Choose the shipping class to which this rate will apply, the classes provided are just ways to better organize your rates.  Or if you want you can also choose to apply the rate to items in any shipping class or in no shipping class. You may set-up multiple rules/rates for each shipping class.


We recommend using the FREE SHIPPING shipping class to setup your table rate shipping if you only sell products that require free shipping and do not require a special exception.

You may use the ANY CLASS shipping class instead if you plan on always offering free shipping or will only require a couple of specific special exceptions.

If you do not use ANY CLASS, setting up one NO CLASS shipping class for free shipping is helpful for if you ever forget to add a shipping class to your product.

Beware, having the ANY CLASS shipping class option enabled will override all of your other classes. So either use all ANY CLASS shipping classes or none at all.


If a special exception from free shipping is needed, you may use a CUSTOM SHIPPING shipping class to charge for shipping.

Again, having the ANY CLASS shipping class option enabled will override all of your other classes and it may not display the desired shipping rate for your customer and/or will display multiple shipping rates, which may confuse your customer.

Once you have set-up your shipping methods and set-up the correct shipping classes to the correct products, we recommend you test the functionality of your product as your customers would see if they had adding the product to their cart and gone to checkout.

If there are any issues refer to the Options above. If there are still issues we may be able to assist you.


This column tells the system what product information it should use to calculate rates. Your options are:

  • None – you don’t wish to use product information to calculate the total
  • Price – the price of the items
  • Weight – the weight of the items in lbs. This may be the best option for sites that offer free shipping
  • Item Count – the number of an individual item
  • Item Count (same class) – the number of items in the shipping class

The minimum and maximum amounts for your chosen condition. These will be:

  • Price – the minimum and maximum price
  • Weight – the minimum and maximum weight. You can use the weight unit to determine in WooCommerce > Settings > Products
  • Item Count – the minimum and maximum number of an individual item. For example, you may wish to have one price for 1-50 items and another for 50+ items
  • Item Count (same class) – the minimum and maximum number of items in a specific class

When you check this option, you’re telling the plugin: If you reach this row of the table, stop the calculation from going any further. Meaning, you’re telling the process to break. This is typically left unchecked for normal situations.

This is used for:

  • Per order – to tell the plugin to offer a specific rate and no others
  • Calculated – It means to stop any further rates being matched, with priority given to the top of the list. This is particularly important when merging shipping (see below).

Enable this option to disable all rates or the shipping options you are editing. Do it matches any item/class.


Shipping Prices

This is where you set the cost for your shipping. You can add the following figures:

  • Row Cost – the base cost for shipping this item. This could include the cost of your packaging.
  • Item Cost – the cost for each individual item. This is in addition to the cost.
  • Cost per kg – the cost per kg for the items.
  • % Cost – the percentage of the items’ total that should used to calculate shipping.

If you are creating a per-order table of rates, you can add a label for each individual rate.

table rates

Class Priorities

If you have chosen “Per order” as Calculation Type, you will see a section called “Class Priorities”.

If there are items in different shipping classes in the cart, it will calculate the whole things based on those items in the shipping class with the highest priority (or the lowest number). In the example below, the Hoodies shipping class is more important than the default class.

class priorities

Lastly, you need to update the settings to finish.